Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My pride is my greatest Flaw...

Playstation is back up.  Yay, I can play Portal 2 on my PC now.  Probably the only thing that went great this week.  I've slightly given up on my 'Wedding Portrait' drawing.  I haven't finished it because I've at the moment lost my motive.  I'll eventually get around to finish it.  It's just not at the moment. 
Here's the most updated copy:

Not Much, but its getting there. 

And I need to come up with an idea for a Christmas TF2 story to send to Kritzkast.  I promised them to send one in since I sent in the one I originally wanted to but December wasn't coming fast enough.  I prefer to be prepared then having to rush, mush like I did with my Halloween story.  Also I am trying to make a replay video-type-montage thing.  Its not really a montge, but I've had this idea for a long time brewing in my head and well, the TF2 Replay somewhat gives me the ability to flesh it out some.  Not exactly how I want it, but its better then not.  I emailed KK if they were willing to give me some assistance, but I haven't gotten a reply back.  I'm taking that as a no, but I'm still working on everything for it.  Timing, character/classes, editing software, etc. 
Oh, I forgot to mention that I've basically kicked myself off of the Kritzkast podkast.  The hosts didn't do anything.  But I let a troll get the best of me and well, I'm a little ashamed to join next Sunday.  :(  But I did receive my KK sweater today but because I had bought it, I had to stop myself from sending in another email for a very slight ARG with Kritzkast and Team Fortress 2.  I don't regret it, just the timing of when I did the purchase. And that was because I haven't received my tax return yet.  Stupid tax lady lied to me.  >:( 

But I did get 2 years retro pay, which probably means next year taxes aren't going to be as forgiving as the past 2 years. 

Argh, I'm so glass-is-half-empty the past week even though the weather is beautiful outside.  Well, maybe next time I'll be in a much better mood.  :) 

Thursday, May 5, 2011

My First 'Meet the'

Alright Valve, you did it.  You redeemed your self in my books plus some.  Sony is still a little slow but they're getting there.

Meet the Medic.  ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS!?!?!?!?!  I've been WAITING for this!  I was reading the comic on my Iphone and I basically tossed it because I flung my hands up so hard.

I still can't get over it as I type this now.  I stop every 5 words to shake my hands of excitement and to gush.  Oh I wish I had a camera and had been recording my reaction.  Oh which reminds me, I'm going to switch my Steam ID to FUCK YES MEET THE MEDIC!  Caps included.

This picture is now forever engraved into my brain.  It didn't even fully load on my phone.  All I saw was the Medic in the Monitor and I freaked.
(OMG so many spelling fails)

And on a lighter Note, Sniper's last name is Mundy.  :/

And the Saxxy Awards.  Awesome.  Get a hat for 1000 views on your video and a new taunt for getting an achievement.  I'm so not going to win, but hopefully, it will be around next year as they called it the annual. 

*gushing*  Best middle of the Night News.  Ever.  There is no emote big enough for how ecstatic I feel.  Now Valve, all I ask is you to not let me down on Meet the Medic.  You got this girl all excited.