Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My pride is my greatest Flaw...

Playstation is back up.  Yay, I can play Portal 2 on my PC now.  Probably the only thing that went great this week.  I've slightly given up on my 'Wedding Portrait' drawing.  I haven't finished it because I've at the moment lost my motive.  I'll eventually get around to finish it.  It's just not at the moment. 
Here's the most updated copy:

Not Much, but its getting there. 

And I need to come up with an idea for a Christmas TF2 story to send to Kritzkast.  I promised them to send one in since I sent in the one I originally wanted to but December wasn't coming fast enough.  I prefer to be prepared then having to rush, mush like I did with my Halloween story.  Also I am trying to make a replay video-type-montage thing.  Its not really a montge, but I've had this idea for a long time brewing in my head and well, the TF2 Replay somewhat gives me the ability to flesh it out some.  Not exactly how I want it, but its better then not.  I emailed KK if they were willing to give me some assistance, but I haven't gotten a reply back.  I'm taking that as a no, but I'm still working on everything for it.  Timing, character/classes, editing software, etc. 
Oh, I forgot to mention that I've basically kicked myself off of the Kritzkast podkast.  The hosts didn't do anything.  But I let a troll get the best of me and well, I'm a little ashamed to join next Sunday.  :(  But I did receive my KK sweater today but because I had bought it, I had to stop myself from sending in another email for a very slight ARG with Kritzkast and Team Fortress 2.  I don't regret it, just the timing of when I did the purchase. And that was because I haven't received my tax return yet.  Stupid tax lady lied to me.  >:( 

But I did get 2 years retro pay, which probably means next year taxes aren't going to be as forgiving as the past 2 years. 

Argh, I'm so glass-is-half-empty the past week even though the weather is beautiful outside.  Well, maybe next time I'll be in a much better mood.  :) 

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