Friday, June 7, 2013

Annual Post of 2013

So I figure it would be good to make an annual post for this.  I keep forgetting about it.  Although I might (And I use it loosely) post more often here.  I don't because there are times it gets random views and the posts I want to make are a bit personal.  This type of design isn't exactly personal.  Its more of a way to make things more public, which I think is pretty neat if you're looking into a more of a business/public aspect of it.
Anyway, I came here because I've had a bit of a fall out with some friends of mine.  Or, at least I think.  I don't know if they know exactly, because I'm a bloody idiot.
I've been writing for the most part, or more Rping then writing but I sort of see it as the same thing.  Writing out about a character that doesn't exist.  I was having fun with it, but as of lat, I haven't.  Before it was something I looked forward to do and I almost waited for my partners to jump online to respond so I could do it right back.  But now, it sort of feels like a large bit of disappointment and I feel disappointed in myself when I wait for someone, and then they don't respond.  Like I had wasted my entire time for a reply that never came.  And now, it's making me rethink about having 'online' friends in general.  Yes, it's nice to actually have friends, but it's such a huge disappointment when they don't and it makes me feel like an absolute dick when its because something just made their mood terrible during the day.
But, I'm getting out of it, I suppose.  Just going to sort of drop it, and go back to normal writing stories and editing and everything.
Also, I remember vaguely remembering saying that I wanted to go to college.  Well, I did sign up for a fall 2012 and spring 2013.  Did not go as well as I thought it would.  Because I'm not a 4.0 gpa student I wasn't able to pay for my second semester.  So it wasn't exactly a great start of anything.
As a plus, though, I know what I want to go to school for, and how I might go after it, I'm just nervous about it because I'm not very great at writing essays and everything.  They just make me 'bleargh' and gives me a sort of stage fright.  I think it's because I don't know exactly what it is they want and so I don't know what to put in it.  I know its supposed to help you be on your own, but I seem to not work that way, oddly enough.  And I don't know why.  I can write something like this post, and it not seem to be troublesome but when it comes to writing about something specific, I just get the worst sort of 'word constipation' and I can't think of anything to put.
And I think that's enough for tonight.  Or morning.  The clock says its 1 in the morning and I just realized I'm a bit tired.

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