Friday, June 7, 2013

Annual Post of 2013

So I figure it would be good to make an annual post for this.  I keep forgetting about it.  Although I might (And I use it loosely) post more often here.  I don't because there are times it gets random views and the posts I want to make are a bit personal.  This type of design isn't exactly personal.  Its more of a way to make things more public, which I think is pretty neat if you're looking into a more of a business/public aspect of it.
Anyway, I came here because I've had a bit of a fall out with some friends of mine.  Or, at least I think.  I don't know if they know exactly, because I'm a bloody idiot.
I've been writing for the most part, or more Rping then writing but I sort of see it as the same thing.  Writing out about a character that doesn't exist.  I was having fun with it, but as of lat, I haven't.  Before it was something I looked forward to do and I almost waited for my partners to jump online to respond so I could do it right back.  But now, it sort of feels like a large bit of disappointment and I feel disappointed in myself when I wait for someone, and then they don't respond.  Like I had wasted my entire time for a reply that never came.  And now, it's making me rethink about having 'online' friends in general.  Yes, it's nice to actually have friends, but it's such a huge disappointment when they don't and it makes me feel like an absolute dick when its because something just made their mood terrible during the day.
But, I'm getting out of it, I suppose.  Just going to sort of drop it, and go back to normal writing stories and editing and everything.
Also, I remember vaguely remembering saying that I wanted to go to college.  Well, I did sign up for a fall 2012 and spring 2013.  Did not go as well as I thought it would.  Because I'm not a 4.0 gpa student I wasn't able to pay for my second semester.  So it wasn't exactly a great start of anything.
As a plus, though, I know what I want to go to school for, and how I might go after it, I'm just nervous about it because I'm not very great at writing essays and everything.  They just make me 'bleargh' and gives me a sort of stage fright.  I think it's because I don't know exactly what it is they want and so I don't know what to put in it.  I know its supposed to help you be on your own, but I seem to not work that way, oddly enough.  And I don't know why.  I can write something like this post, and it not seem to be troublesome but when it comes to writing about something specific, I just get the worst sort of 'word constipation' and I can't think of anything to put.
And I think that's enough for tonight.  Or morning.  The clock says its 1 in the morning and I just realized I'm a bit tired.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Why, hello there stranger

Omg, Last post was in December?  Jeezus.
I kinda blame Tumblr in that regard.  That website has been... Well. An amazing piece of work.  I've been practically living on it.
My blog is:
It's mostly personal although I do have various fandom related things on it.  This blog is more personal then that is.  That's mostly my fan blog, I guess.  So, there have been a few updates since December.

Writing:  I've been writing a lot more.  I mean, I had been on a difficult hiatus there for awhile.  But I have been practice writing.  have a separate blog for them. I believe is the link.  Not sure and I can't check because Tumblr servers are down at the moment.
And also, I've been RPing on the Blog.  My babies, Daniel Flynn, and Jack.  Daniel has kinda been off and on with two other characters and Jack, while only two characters also, is in a life or death struggle with a Spy he pissed off.  I never thought I was attached to Jack until I realized he was going to die.  But it's all well now.  Talked it over with the other RPer and he's going to get away.  Hopefully.
Oh it makes me cry just thinking about how close I was to not being able to play him anymore.  In my mind, he was still a babe.  I just started giving him a personality, and a life outside of tormenting the Spy.  And I had to kill him?  It was heart breaking.  I'm thinking of creating a separate blog just for RP with Jack and Daniel.  But that will happen after the response I get back for the RP.
Those two know how to keep a person waiting.  Darn it.
And I'm working on a fluff type story of Sniper and Medic.  I'm currently working on part 4 (yay) and hopefully have a part 5 started soon (double yay).

Gmod Video:
That kinda went down the pooper.  I had gotten a pretty good jump on the 2nd part, but I messed up on the Medic posing and he just kinda collapsed and I just didn't have the heart to continue on it.  That was in... January, I think?  I do want to do another video, of course.  It's just I can't think of anything within my abilities I could to as a start off.

So.  I'm back to writing.  And I have to thank a wonderful woman on Tumblr, Knightspendid.  She's a wonderful person, and gave me a reason to keep writing.  (had a bit of a rough patch feb-april) And as much crap she posts, and gives reasons for people to unfollow her, I won't unless we both shut down out blogs.  It'll be sad when she does, but it will happen eventually.  It's inevitable.
I just wish I could meet her in person.  Along with a few others.  Hana Bakemono and LizzySledgeHammer to name a few.  Both wonderful people.

Well, Tumblr is back, and now I'm an emotional wreck because Jack, my baby, is being tortured by the Spy, Maurice.  And he cut off his finger.  Oh my poor baby.  What have I done to you.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

WIP Nightmare Christmas

So, I got myself into making a GMod video.  I really wish I had thought of it for Halloween, but any who. 
*rubs hands together*
I present the current status of Nightmare Christmas:

It has a lot more work.  There's more to be had, alot of noise is needed.  It's way too quiet.  I still need the Pyro and Sniper parts put in.  I had worked on one scene and it ended in failure.  lol.  So I'm going to have to redo that part.  So this is, part 1 of 3.  I'm guessing.  I'm not 100% sure myself. 
Anyway, sleepy time.  I stayed up late making it.  And then I got up early.  I'm tired. xD

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Been thinking...

I've always wanted to make a movie.  And I've been in a relatively good mood for the past week, which is surprising a tad as it usually lasts about a day before I crash.  And I made some screen shots in Garry's Mod which inspired me greatly to make a movie. 

The first was actually inspired by For a Few Dollars More.  Where Spy is Colonel Douglas Mortimer, Sniper is the Man with No Name and Engie is El Indio.  The Movie I thought of making was a complete remake of the last scene.  Where El Indio gets killed and Mortimer gets his revenge. 
I really love the posing I did, I just wish I had worked on the expressions some.  

The Second would be an original.  It involves a demonic sort of Medic killing a Heavy by tearing out his heart.  Which Camper Van Helsing (lol) would come in and attack.  I don't fully have a story in mind for that one.  I don't know if I want Medic to live, or die.  (The double horns were a complete accident.  I was trying to get his mask on and I had my reticule on the 2nd hat, instead)
Yes, they both take place on Hoodoo.  Because I was too lazy to change maps to get a better background for the Medic pic because I was messing around with my first idea.

After I had thought up the second story, I realized I'm a very morbid person.  Especially when it comes to RED Medic.
But I'm entirely opposite when it comes to both Snipers and stories I come up with him.  I always make him a family man.  He throws out his crud jokes, but he's an all around nice guy.(Now CBS is an entirely different situation)
And of course, I still have my love for dual identities which I give to the BLU Medic. 

Well.  I'm out of ideas to ramble about at the moment.  I'll think of something for tomorrow, or the day after that.  I always do. 

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Tumb1r... Or is it Tumblr?

I appologize for the lack of saying-ness.  I've been trying(and failing) to finish up some of my stories.  I'm currently working on three.  My Badlands Story Arc, a Medic Vs Medic story and trying to finish up my The Hidden Arc.  Are they called story Arcs?  Not sure.  I just assumed that Story Arc means it takes up multiple chapters to finish.  Maybe it only relates to Comics.  *shrugs*

Anyway.  I'm currently working on them, and failing spectacularly because I found Tumblr.  Oh dear god, what I had gotten myself into, I'll never know.  D: 
It's a nice little blog set up, I admit.  But the people I'm following on it... It's just... Lets just say if I wasn't a fan girl because I didn't fantasize about certain characters enough, Tumblr turned me into one.  Oh that sounds so dirty. 
That, my friend is Tumblr.  I blame Tumblr, 110%. 


But I'm working on my stories.  Getting a lot of inspiration for my original story.  I don't have anything down yet, but I take notes.  A lot of notes. 

I've also stumbled upon a wonderful Spy story on DeviantArt.  I admit, I was not a big fan of this type of story, but once again, I blame Tumblr.  It's called Training. 
It's about a Spy who joins the TF Industries.  It's his first three weeks in training where he breaks the rules of not making Friends with other trainees.  There's much MUCH more to it but I don't want to spoil it.  :D  I mean, the author said there was 9 chapters and she's only on the 5th.  And the 4th was just mind blowing.  I was literally, reading with my jaw on the floor.  I mean, just thinking about it is bringing tears to my eyes.  I rarely get this excited over fan fics, but this was great.  It's not something I would, or could, write.  I'm not the very emotional type of person who could not put what they feel in expressive enough words. 
And there's another one that I especially like, about a Sniper.  It's not The Sniper, Mr. Mundy, but about an OC Sniper.  I believe it's called Trench Warfare.  Very, very good.  And I more often then not dislike OC fan fic characters because they are usually... Can't think of the word.  Usually, over-powered in a sense.  They usually have the power to seduce the Main character if it happens to be their favorite.  Other characters are in love with them, it's just really stupid.
But she makes it different.  I mean, thinking about it now, she did do what I just described. (lol) But at the same time, She uses the other characters.  She actually creates a story behind it all.  They just don't 'love at first sight'.  She has them all bond. 
Sadly, I think she stopped writing it though.  She's on the 6th chapter and she said that she stopped because she wasn't getting enough views and comments on it.  Which I think is stupid.  Hell, I have so many stories I'm not sharing on DA, and are never going to see the light of day outside the small times I flip through the notebook.  I do it because I have the need to do it.  It makes me feel good to write them down.  But the fact that you stop writing on it because, Waah I no get no views. 

Hmmm.  Well.  It's getting late.  Quarter to 1 am.  Bed time, methinks.  Good night.  And thanks for listening to my banter.  It feels good to banter.  :)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

New Topic: Vampires and Werewolves

I am currently watching Interview with a Vampire.  This movie could kick Twilight's ass.  THIS is what a vampire story is about.  Which begs the question, what makes vampires soo attractive?  I believe why I like them is the internal struggle of good and evil.  Life and death.  I've always enjoyed the game of the minds which I believe a vampire's life consists of.  A psychological game.
Twilight just... It's not even close to that.  Yea, it consists of drama but its a wolf falling in love with a sheep.  It's not natural, almost perverted.  If vampires were a natural, that is.  xD
Its the same with werewolves and but different at the same.  Vampires are the wolves in sheep's clothing.  While werewolves were the wolves themselves.

I enjoy a great psychological story.  Ones involving dual identities, and deeply guarded secrets keep that lovey-dovey drama out of my stories.  Vampires are about seduction, not about love.  Its the difference that is so drastic, that Stephenie Meyer missed the connection.  I did watch the movie and the only Vampire I liked was the guy they killed at the end.  HE was a vampire.

Well, I had a well versed explanation about were wolves and vampires but my browser almost crashed and now I lost my train of thought.  That last paragraph above this one shows it.  It was going to end that Interview with a Vampire has inspired me for an original story.  About Vampires, and werewolves and the battle of Heaven and Hell.

Friday, October 28, 2011

TF2 Halloween update... Valve, I am Disappoint.

So the TF2 halloween update finally came yesterday.  Yea, yesterday.  It's 11:18 at the current moment of me writing this.  Awesome costumes they made for the Mercs.  Nice remake of the map Viaduct, now called Eyeaduct.  And a new Halloween boss.  Monocleus.  Or something like that.  Its wrong I know, but I'm going to call him Mono.  Because he's one giant Eye ball.  Actually, it's Demoman's eye which is explained in a comic, which is also pretty neat.

But I am disappointed with how they distributed the Costumes.  Via the gift drops that was a pain in the ass last year.  And we needed only 9 that time.  This time, we need 3 pieces for 9 classes.  It sucks.  I have 1 Sniper, 1 Heavy and 2 Spy so far.  And I am also disappointed that the boss is once again a Demoman type boss.  I mean, come on.  I'm tired of Reading about Demo or Solly in the comics.  Share some of that damn limelight with the rest of the classes!
^ Inner fan girl for Medic and Sniper.  Sorry.

I kinda like the Gibus again.  Angry that they changed it again, but what the hell.  It's kinda growing on me.  Angry that the hats from last year aren't in the store.  Just because I traded my Skull last year and I want it back. They have a new one for this year.  Has some neat Styles, but its not the one I want.  And a giant Eye hat.  No Idea what it does other then move like an eye when you look around.  I mean, the HHH Head from last year at least provided immunity from HHH's 'Boo!' cry.  And also a seal mask.  No idea what that's about other then that it matches the mask that the little Steam Mascot wears.

Bah, I can't believe I was disappointed this year.  Hopefully, they come up with something different regarding the gifts.  What I did like about the gift thing is that the server needs to be registered in order to get access to the gift server and if too many people complain about it, then they get booted.  That was a smart move on Valve's part.  But they're still griefers up the whazoo.  They prefer to kill other players and constantly grabbed the gifts even after they have them. 
The only thing that bothers me about the server registrations is that once the bad servers get kicked off, the only good ones are always packed.  And those who want the entire set *coughmecough* can't get in.  I mean, I was able to play on the KK server earlier and that's how I got the two Spy costumes, but that's it.  And I got those off of pure luck.  One was dead center of the CP, everyone was running away from it.  And the second was right below me with three other players looking away from it.  One guy even ran thought it. 

I guess that's enough about the Disapointaween update. 
Random thought is random: Plushies I ordered off DA are being worked on.  Yay!  Can't wait to see them.