Thursday, April 7, 2011

Do you wish to hear my rambling?

This is not my first Blog, but my second (maybe third?).  Hopefully, I'll stick to this one.

So, to start off, I'm plan on going to AI International this fall.  Media Arts and Animation.  *fingerscrossed*  Just need to get the money to turn in my application.  If I get in, I'll be posting my work here, on DeviantArt, or Youtube.  Depending on what I am doing.  I really want to go to School, just because I really hate the job I have.  Working 4 to midnights on Weekdays and 8am to 4pm on weekends makes me miss a lot of time with my Family.  It's a good job if you are going to school (sitting and not doing anything for 8 hours straight) but since I'm not, it upsets me. 

Speaking of Youtube, watching HLN on the Living room TV.  Youtube is getting a make over.  They're going to focus more on Channels rather than Videos.  Not quite sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.  It would be good for those that make awesome Videos like freddiew and CorridorDigital.  That is only a few I know of though.  Well, I guess I'll have to wait before I make judgment calls on something that I don't know anything about.

Team Fortress 2's Meet the Medic trailer should be coming out soon.  I'm rather excited about it but also somewhat nervous.  I really hope they don't 'tarnish' the image that I see him as.  Basically, he's a Dr. Jekyll, Mr. Hyde to me.  He can be a gentlemann, but he also has that sadistic side to him.  But because it's TF2, he also has a bit of a 'Looney Tunes' feel.  Like when that one doctor(Dr. Jekyll) drinks that potion and turns into that monster thing(Mr. Hyde) and harasses Sylvester and Tweety.  Maybe not that 'Looney Tune'-ey, but hopefully I explained it well.  I'm not that great with words.

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