Friday, April 29, 2011


I've been thinking, which I should not do, and come to realize that I'm slightly depressed and angry.  Well, I guess we can all thank Sony for that and the whole PSN Security Breach.  Jeez that really pisses me off.   And it was on the day Portal 2 was released.  Its been a week and a half and it just...
*deep breath*
And now, Valve has announced a release for Portal 2.  Way to shit in my face, Valve.  Give the players who bought the game for PS3 not able to get it for who knows how long.  Way to alienate a third of your player base. 
I've played Portal 2 and finished it.  Great and awesome game.  Just kinda wish Valve had waited for the PSN to get back up and running before the announcement.  I haven't played my PC or my PS3 since I finished P2.  I believe that anything that's tied to the PS3, is bad.  So that leaves only my Xbox and I've been playing that constantly.  More then usual.  I even want to play Halo and I'm not a big fan of the franchise anymore.  But I've been keeping busy with the Gears 3 Multiplayer Beta.  I'm getting better at killing people with the gnasher.  Sawed-off fricken sucks balls, but I guess I need to practice with it.  Like I did with the gnasher.  And the hammerburst, and the Retro-Lancer.  Jeez, I really want the Golden Retro Lancer.  I currently have 54 games played out of 90 needed.  Then I need to get 100 kills to get it for the Retail Game when it comes out this fall.  And Baird.  Need to play 20 Capture The Leader games to unlock him.  Currently have 4.  :p
The Leader for the Locust is the Queen, but I'm not sure who the leader for the 'COGS' are.  They're not the Coalistion of Ordered Governements anymore because it kinda dis abandoned shortly after Gears 2.  It will all be explained in the 'Fall of COG' novel coming out in... Ooh, can't remember the date but its coming up real quick. 
So, in a better mood then I was 10 minutes ago, Fuck you Valve and Sony, I'm taking my business to Microsoft. 

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