Sunday, April 17, 2011

I hate PC duchebags and trolls

Title is pretty much self explanatory.
From the last post, I guess its obvious I like to play the multiplayer game, Team Fortress 2.  I've been playing it on the Xbox 360 shortly after its release.  Of course, I bought it for Portal but I had finished that rather quickly.  Oops, starting to ramble. 
I play the 360 game off and on while playing the PC version as well.  I swung by the forums in Steam Powered where they have a separate area for 360 games.  Left 4 Dead, Left 4 Dead 2, Portal: Still Alive and The Orange Box; which contains TF2. 
Anyway, Someone created a Thread in the Orange Box forums called, "TF2 Console updates are...".  I scrolled over it with my mouse to see what it's first few lines were.  "NEVER COMING" it said.  I opened it to find those two words in bold, italicized, in caps, underlined and enlarged.  Along with a quote by someone who had visited Valve software.
Lets just say, I was less than please.  He took a quote, that didn't or did say they were going to update it, and made a thread to piss off people like me.  That fucking PC duchebag had the balls to post that in the console forums, while his last post before that was him complaining that his 'Teddy Roosebelt' was glitching. 
The thread had just started on it's second page and all the posts said basically the same thing.
"Guys, if we want it updated, we need to tell them and not just sit here on our asses," I replied.  Of course, that didn't come right away.  I was too pissed at the time, but I eventually edited my post to say that.  It upsets me that Valve let the Consoles get this bad.  But its all their fault in my eyes.  They complain its horrid, but that's because they've been neglecting it.  If they had stopped updating their PC version, and watched it deteriorate, they would see what I'm talking about.  Everything is a two way street.  You can't expect a great game to remain great for four years with only four updates. 

It saddens me to no end. 

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