Wednesday, June 29, 2011

All is well.

Well, it turns out that I'm fine.  Yay.  It was just that I hadn't eaten anything that day.  Got myself a glucose meter.  Check my blood before I eat breakfast and a couple hours after dinner. 

Well, its coming up on a week since I've played TF2.  Its driving me nuts because I want to play, but I don't want to give in to that flawed system they have.  I mean seriously, its not right.  I know its only a minor problem, but that's no excuse.  Hats that give a game play bonus that isn't available for the new guys?  Come on. 

I've kinda thought of a solution but it will probably be shot down because of the, 'Omg thats no fair!  We paid for it!' bullshit.  Didn't even watch Kritzkast this past Sunday because I realized how jaded(not the hosts mind you) the people in the chat were. 

Here they are, telling me that if the free to play players wanted to get that bonus, then they should buy the hat, and get a premium account.  Yet when I said I was willing to pay for an update for the Xbox Valve had neglected to update, I was called a fool. 

Which reminds me.  I should play Console TF2, sometime.  I had a blast the last time considering that the people didn't know what they were doing. 

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