Saturday, June 18, 2011

A kick in the Pants and a Boot to the leg

Well, Its rather been awhile.  Not much has happened but what has happened is a lot of rain.  Rain and coldness because the people here at work think that to fix mugginess, they need AC on.  So, I'm cold.
I hadn't mentioned this before, but Kritzkast has released a hat in TF2.  Probably the best thing that could ever happen to those guys.  Even has the KK logo on it.  Its called the Lo-fi Long Wave.
Also since the last post, my brain has been on somewhat of a writers block.  My imagination is still on over drive, but when I start writing it down, It just doesn't seem to work out and I scrap it.  Much like this blog post.  Well I guess this will be a rambling post on what ever crosses my mind at the time.

I turned on the stove for the first time in about 3-4 months.  Still a bit squeamish around fire, and to think I used to like striking matches and watching them burn.  Just thinking about a lit match gives me the shivers.
Oh man, I am so tired.  Stayed up late last night playing TF2.  Not really sure why, I was going to play TF2 Beta and try out the new update it got.  Ah yes, it was to see the birds, they got an update and I wanted to see what they do.
Which reminds me, TF2 has a copy cat.  Like a literal 'Dead Ringer' to it called: Final Combat.  Its a Chinese Rip-off.  They use the same weapon models, ripped the announcer's voice straight from the game and they have maps from EA's Battlefield Heros(not TF2, but its there).   It makes me laugh because Thunder(the company selling the game) is said that TF2 was a rip-off of Final Combat.  TF2 was released in 2007(2006?).  Final Combat isn't even released yet.  People are saying it gets released in July. 

Final Combat Homepage

Here are the silhouette comparisons:
 ABOVE: Final Combat                                     
BELOW: Team Fortress 2

And they didn't even try to hid the fact that they ripped the Soldiers Rocket Launcher:

 ABOVE: Rocket's Rocket Launcher                   
BELOW: Soldier's Rocket Launcher

Even thought it is a direct copy, I hope nothing happens to it until it get released.  It looks like something I'd want to try before it gets lost for all eternity.  Hopefully someone is quick with their fingers and can get a torrent of it.  (You did not read that.) 

Welp, there was one other thing I wanted to say, but the Chinese Bootleg squashed it out of my brain.

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