Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Inspiration in the darkest of places...

Finally (somewhat) got over my writters block.  Inspired by a friend who pissed me off. 


How I took the anger is a bit stretched, but hey.  Its my new personal Favorite.  :D

Am currently writing up a small series called: Hats of personality.  The first is called Sniper: The Anger, inspired by Pickle-Ranger.  Have a bunch of ideas for other hats also.  Can't wait to get them all written down. 

Made a few doodles also.  Writers block kinda opened up my drawing section.  Its been while so they're a little rough.

Archemides in color.  I photocopied a black and white verson, then colored it with a crayon/coloring pencil.  It was a Crayola crayon pencil thing. 

A Dorf from the Currently in Pre-Alpha Lords of UberDark

And a quick sketch of Pyro.  Drew it with a pen so I couldn't correct any mistakes I had made. 

Also, someone gave me a very nice compliment on my Hidden story.  Makes me also want to finish it and post the finishings.  :D  Sadly, the animation prodject is on hold.  I have a need to draw and write at the moment. 

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Delayed until Further Notice

So.  Been trying to work on my Animation Project but its getting to be harder and harder just because I have it being the Sniper model.  I'm having a serious beef with TF2 at the moment.  Thinking about scrapping it and starting over.  Over over as in modeling my own character.  But that also sounds like a ton of work which I rather despise. 


I am working on my story though.  So my non-working time in the animation wasn't an entire waste.  Well, actually I did kinda work on the Animation.  I downloaded IPI the other day.  Its a motion capture software that can use web cameras to capture movement.  I've got my bro's Kinect linked up to my PC currently.  Got it running and such, but I haven't recorded any thing with it. 

Well, thinking about it as I type, maybe I'll just find myself a different model to use and save my Sniper anim. for later.  Idk.  I'm tired, and sad because both of my vehicular devices are broken and I'm stuck at home.  Maybe I just need a break from my PC for a bit. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Broke broke Broke.

Its harder then I thought.  This... Animating.  This will be my 3rd try with the Sniper model in trying to animate him leaping off of a box.  Of course, I have it more then him just leaping off.  He walks to the edge, looks, then leaps.  Everything just keeps messing up when he gets to the edge. 
The first time, his legs jumped into his chest along with his wrists.
This.  I had taken a pic because it didn't look like that when I saved it. 

The second time, his arm bent at an odd angle and wouldn't fix its self.  I tried to 'CTRL+A' but instead I hit 'CTRL+S' and screwed up my save. 

And this third time seems like it will work, but I thought that the second time was it.  All these bugs.  They infuriate me. 
So, I haven't quite worked on it because I don't want it to fudge up anymore then I want to but I know I'll eventually get back to it. 

And entirely, unrelated but still important, I might/might not be working on this as I put in my two weeks at my current job, but the other job I want closes in 3 days.  So I might not have a job.  Which means a drastic drop in money and a increase to my free time.  Or vise versa. 
Well, I'm tired and its getting to be close to my bed time.  Actually, its passed my bed time.  Good night.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

So... I actually made some progress. Really. I did this time.

So.  I finished rigging up both Pyro and Sniper.  Sniper I did much faster then Pyro.  And started to animate with the Sniper rigging over the Pyro, because the Pyro is effectively broken somehow.  The spine somehow un-linked themselves and his left hand fell apart.  I tried to link his tank with his spine along with the grenades on his chest which failed with flying colors.  So, I effectively given up on Pyro and started on Sniper.  Which, surprisingly was a much bigger success then Pyro. 
Here's my first picture at trying to animate with him:

Yea.  I know.  I didn't do much.  But hey, This is my first time at animating.  Your work can't be a Mona Lisa off the bat.  But it is broken so I'm going to restart the Animation process.  I saved the rigging as a Separate file so I don't have to go through the rigging process again.  Thank god. 

Oh, and I believe I got over my writers block also.  I've decided to continue working on a story I scrapped about a month ago.  It wasn't going anywhere at the time and when I re-wrote the beginning again today at work, It just came to me and it was almost 10 times better then before.  I feel good about this. 
So.  I made a lot of progress.  The title was no lie like last time. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

So... I actually made some progress. Kinda sort of.

I made some progress since the last time I posted.  Autodesk is up and running, plugins and everything.  I imported a Baseball bat, Pyro, Sniper, Medic and the Announcer.  So hopefully I have importing done.  Rigging not so much.  I tried rigging up Medic, Pyro and Sniper each failing miserably.  And its sad because the bones are already there.  I just need to line up the CAT bones with the Valve bones. 
I don't know what I'm doing wrong.  I get the first leg started up and then when I start working on the foot, the knee locks up like a female dog and I can't move it.  Which makes it harder to fix the foot.  Its driving me bonkers.

Still having a major writers block.  Just because I can't get that one part in the Dirty Deeds Prologue/Epilogue better.  Everything's driving me crazy recently.  Well, hopefully I can think of something soon. 

So, hopefully either a story or a video when I get one of these problems fixed.

Yay!  /sarcasm