Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Broke broke Broke.

Its harder then I thought.  This... Animating.  This will be my 3rd try with the Sniper model in trying to animate him leaping off of a box.  Of course, I have it more then him just leaping off.  He walks to the edge, looks, then leaps.  Everything just keeps messing up when he gets to the edge. 
The first time, his legs jumped into his chest along with his wrists.
This.  I had taken a pic because it didn't look like that when I saved it. 

The second time, his arm bent at an odd angle and wouldn't fix its self.  I tried to 'CTRL+A' but instead I hit 'CTRL+S' and screwed up my save. 

And this third time seems like it will work, but I thought that the second time was it.  All these bugs.  They infuriate me. 
So, I haven't quite worked on it because I don't want it to fudge up anymore then I want to but I know I'll eventually get back to it. 

And entirely, unrelated but still important, I might/might not be working on this as I put in my two weeks at my current job, but the other job I want closes in 3 days.  So I might not have a job.  Which means a drastic drop in money and a increase to my free time.  Or vise versa. 
Well, I'm tired and its getting to be close to my bed time.  Actually, its passed my bed time.  Good night.

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