Thursday, December 15, 2011

WIP Nightmare Christmas

So, I got myself into making a GMod video.  I really wish I had thought of it for Halloween, but any who. 
*rubs hands together*
I present the current status of Nightmare Christmas:

It has a lot more work.  There's more to be had, alot of noise is needed.  It's way too quiet.  I still need the Pyro and Sniper parts put in.  I had worked on one scene and it ended in failure.  lol.  So I'm going to have to redo that part.  So this is, part 1 of 3.  I'm guessing.  I'm not 100% sure myself. 
Anyway, sleepy time.  I stayed up late making it.  And then I got up early.  I'm tired. xD

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Been thinking...

I've always wanted to make a movie.  And I've been in a relatively good mood for the past week, which is surprising a tad as it usually lasts about a day before I crash.  And I made some screen shots in Garry's Mod which inspired me greatly to make a movie. 

The first was actually inspired by For a Few Dollars More.  Where Spy is Colonel Douglas Mortimer, Sniper is the Man with No Name and Engie is El Indio.  The Movie I thought of making was a complete remake of the last scene.  Where El Indio gets killed and Mortimer gets his revenge. 
I really love the posing I did, I just wish I had worked on the expressions some.  

The Second would be an original.  It involves a demonic sort of Medic killing a Heavy by tearing out his heart.  Which Camper Van Helsing (lol) would come in and attack.  I don't fully have a story in mind for that one.  I don't know if I want Medic to live, or die.  (The double horns were a complete accident.  I was trying to get his mask on and I had my reticule on the 2nd hat, instead)
Yes, they both take place on Hoodoo.  Because I was too lazy to change maps to get a better background for the Medic pic because I was messing around with my first idea.

After I had thought up the second story, I realized I'm a very morbid person.  Especially when it comes to RED Medic.
But I'm entirely opposite when it comes to both Snipers and stories I come up with him.  I always make him a family man.  He throws out his crud jokes, but he's an all around nice guy.(Now CBS is an entirely different situation)
And of course, I still have my love for dual identities which I give to the BLU Medic. 

Well.  I'm out of ideas to ramble about at the moment.  I'll think of something for tomorrow, or the day after that.  I always do. 

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Tumb1r... Or is it Tumblr?

I appologize for the lack of saying-ness.  I've been trying(and failing) to finish up some of my stories.  I'm currently working on three.  My Badlands Story Arc, a Medic Vs Medic story and trying to finish up my The Hidden Arc.  Are they called story Arcs?  Not sure.  I just assumed that Story Arc means it takes up multiple chapters to finish.  Maybe it only relates to Comics.  *shrugs*

Anyway.  I'm currently working on them, and failing spectacularly because I found Tumblr.  Oh dear god, what I had gotten myself into, I'll never know.  D: 
It's a nice little blog set up, I admit.  But the people I'm following on it... It's just... Lets just say if I wasn't a fan girl because I didn't fantasize about certain characters enough, Tumblr turned me into one.  Oh that sounds so dirty. 
That, my friend is Tumblr.  I blame Tumblr, 110%. 


But I'm working on my stories.  Getting a lot of inspiration for my original story.  I don't have anything down yet, but I take notes.  A lot of notes. 

I've also stumbled upon a wonderful Spy story on DeviantArt.  I admit, I was not a big fan of this type of story, but once again, I blame Tumblr.  It's called Training. 
It's about a Spy who joins the TF Industries.  It's his first three weeks in training where he breaks the rules of not making Friends with other trainees.  There's much MUCH more to it but I don't want to spoil it.  :D  I mean, the author said there was 9 chapters and she's only on the 5th.  And the 4th was just mind blowing.  I was literally, reading with my jaw on the floor.  I mean, just thinking about it is bringing tears to my eyes.  I rarely get this excited over fan fics, but this was great.  It's not something I would, or could, write.  I'm not the very emotional type of person who could not put what they feel in expressive enough words. 
And there's another one that I especially like, about a Sniper.  It's not The Sniper, Mr. Mundy, but about an OC Sniper.  I believe it's called Trench Warfare.  Very, very good.  And I more often then not dislike OC fan fic characters because they are usually... Can't think of the word.  Usually, over-powered in a sense.  They usually have the power to seduce the Main character if it happens to be their favorite.  Other characters are in love with them, it's just really stupid.
But she makes it different.  I mean, thinking about it now, she did do what I just described. (lol) But at the same time, She uses the other characters.  She actually creates a story behind it all.  They just don't 'love at first sight'.  She has them all bond. 
Sadly, I think she stopped writing it though.  She's on the 6th chapter and she said that she stopped because she wasn't getting enough views and comments on it.  Which I think is stupid.  Hell, I have so many stories I'm not sharing on DA, and are never going to see the light of day outside the small times I flip through the notebook.  I do it because I have the need to do it.  It makes me feel good to write them down.  But the fact that you stop writing on it because, Waah I no get no views. 

Hmmm.  Well.  It's getting late.  Quarter to 1 am.  Bed time, methinks.  Good night.  And thanks for listening to my banter.  It feels good to banter.  :)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

New Topic: Vampires and Werewolves

I am currently watching Interview with a Vampire.  This movie could kick Twilight's ass.  THIS is what a vampire story is about.  Which begs the question, what makes vampires soo attractive?  I believe why I like them is the internal struggle of good and evil.  Life and death.  I've always enjoyed the game of the minds which I believe a vampire's life consists of.  A psychological game.
Twilight just... It's not even close to that.  Yea, it consists of drama but its a wolf falling in love with a sheep.  It's not natural, almost perverted.  If vampires were a natural, that is.  xD
Its the same with werewolves and but different at the same.  Vampires are the wolves in sheep's clothing.  While werewolves were the wolves themselves.

I enjoy a great psychological story.  Ones involving dual identities, and deeply guarded secrets keep that lovey-dovey drama out of my stories.  Vampires are about seduction, not about love.  Its the difference that is so drastic, that Stephenie Meyer missed the connection.  I did watch the movie and the only Vampire I liked was the guy they killed at the end.  HE was a vampire.

Well, I had a well versed explanation about were wolves and vampires but my browser almost crashed and now I lost my train of thought.  That last paragraph above this one shows it.  It was going to end that Interview with a Vampire has inspired me for an original story.  About Vampires, and werewolves and the battle of Heaven and Hell.

Friday, October 28, 2011

TF2 Halloween update... Valve, I am Disappoint.

So the TF2 halloween update finally came yesterday.  Yea, yesterday.  It's 11:18 at the current moment of me writing this.  Awesome costumes they made for the Mercs.  Nice remake of the map Viaduct, now called Eyeaduct.  And a new Halloween boss.  Monocleus.  Or something like that.  Its wrong I know, but I'm going to call him Mono.  Because he's one giant Eye ball.  Actually, it's Demoman's eye which is explained in a comic, which is also pretty neat.

But I am disappointed with how they distributed the Costumes.  Via the gift drops that was a pain in the ass last year.  And we needed only 9 that time.  This time, we need 3 pieces for 9 classes.  It sucks.  I have 1 Sniper, 1 Heavy and 2 Spy so far.  And I am also disappointed that the boss is once again a Demoman type boss.  I mean, come on.  I'm tired of Reading about Demo or Solly in the comics.  Share some of that damn limelight with the rest of the classes!
^ Inner fan girl for Medic and Sniper.  Sorry.

I kinda like the Gibus again.  Angry that they changed it again, but what the hell.  It's kinda growing on me.  Angry that the hats from last year aren't in the store.  Just because I traded my Skull last year and I want it back. They have a new one for this year.  Has some neat Styles, but its not the one I want.  And a giant Eye hat.  No Idea what it does other then move like an eye when you look around.  I mean, the HHH Head from last year at least provided immunity from HHH's 'Boo!' cry.  And also a seal mask.  No idea what that's about other then that it matches the mask that the little Steam Mascot wears.

Bah, I can't believe I was disappointed this year.  Hopefully, they come up with something different regarding the gifts.  What I did like about the gift thing is that the server needs to be registered in order to get access to the gift server and if too many people complain about it, then they get booted.  That was a smart move on Valve's part.  But they're still griefers up the whazoo.  They prefer to kill other players and constantly grabbed the gifts even after they have them. 
The only thing that bothers me about the server registrations is that once the bad servers get kicked off, the only good ones are always packed.  And those who want the entire set *coughmecough* can't get in.  I mean, I was able to play on the KK server earlier and that's how I got the two Spy costumes, but that's it.  And I got those off of pure luck.  One was dead center of the CP, everyone was running away from it.  And the second was right below me with three other players looking away from it.  One guy even ran thought it. 

I guess that's enough about the Disapointaween update. 
Random thought is random: Plushies I ordered off DA are being worked on.  Yay!  Can't wait to see them. 

Monday, October 24, 2011

Birthday today

Happy birthday to me.  Its my 22 today, and I'm going to celebrate with some dinner with my family.  Haven't been writing too much because its all kinda turning to garbage at the moment.  So I'm taking a slight break.  BUT I do have another TF2 Halloween story to write up. 
Sorry about that.  Halloween, it gets to you.  I personally think it would be an awesome Halloween story.  Maybe not as good as my Demoman v Silas Mann story, but it will be awesome.  Because Valve hasn't updated TF2 yet with the new Halloween items, Its inspired by the Spine-chilling Skull. 
Oooh.  I almost spilled the beans.  How mad I would be if someone stole my idea before I finished it.  Grr.  Anyway, currently making it and hopefully I will have it finished before Halloween. 

Oh and quite a few people like my Interrogation Story I wrote up and posted on DA.  That makes me feel special.  :)  Too bad it's not my personal favorite, probably because my fave is way WAY shorter then it.  Oh well.  Fraud is still my personal favorite.  And Interrogation also was submitted into two DA groups.  I personally didn't put them in there, but for them to get in, they needed my acceptance.  So technically, I did put them in there.  Each group has a lot of people in it so it got good coverage.  The groups are #MedicFTW and #1SniperFans.  Makes perfect sense because Medic is interrogating Sniper.  >:D 

Oh, and my Medic and Sniper plushies are being worked on!  :D  I just checked up on MasterPlanner's journal and she's 60% done with one.  Ooh, I wonder which one it is?  *jumps up and down excitedly* 

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Fan-girl-ism is NOT an official Title

So, my notebook is gone forever.  I haven't seen hide nor hair of it since it flew off my jeep.  So sad.  But I have been playing my PS2 recently because my internet has been acting up.  Cutting out, going out.  And I played DarkWatch again and finished it.  Forgot how good that game was.  Too bad it didn't get a sequel.  They just needed to tweak the story a bit and it would have been awesome.  The story was kinda all over the place.  I mean, You start off as a human.  You get bit by the Lord of Vampires turning you into one and you then hunt him down after you join the group DarkWatch.
By the time you join the group, your halfway through the game and you don't really hunt down Lazarus(Vamp lord) until the very end.  I could see where they had the right idea, but they weren't able to flesh it out well enough. 
Hmmm.  Just looked up High Moon Studios.  They're still alive and kicking.  DarkWatch was their debut title so it must have done better then I thought.  It probably did as when I played DarkWatch, I was just starting to get into video games.
Ooh!  I just found the music for DarkWatch.  Must download now!  Multitasking is awesome.  I might just have to ask them if they will come out with another DarkWatch.  I doubt it, but you never know...

Anyway, as I was trying to say, that I was writing a short little fan series for DarkWatch.  Starts off with Jericho as a child watching his parents get killed and then short little intermissions of him as an adult.  E.G. He knew everyone in DarkWatch already.  They just treat him different in the game because he was a Vampire. 
Man I'm such a Fan Girl when it comes to a character I like.  I like Jericho just as much as I like Medic and Sniper.  I guess you can say playing the game renewed it for me.  I like Raditz, too.  He's from DBZ.  Can't really think of any one else.  Just those 4 I guess.
I'm in such a better mood.  I might have to change my title to something more happy.  Gah, can't think of anything. I might just not have a title.  That one is just too sad.
Ah hahaha!  I thought of one. 

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Lost: Green Composte Notebook

I lost my green composite notebook today.  Like a dummy, I left it on the roof of my jeep when bringing my brother to school.  I saw it fly off, and I debated on if I should stop and get it. 
'Nah', I thought.  'I'll pick it up on my return trip.'  On my return trip, I couldn't find it anywhere.  It was like trying to find Waldo in an I Spy book(Hint: he isn't in one). I eventually gave up because it either moved to a spot I couldn't see as I don't have my glasses or someone picked it up. 
So, just in case someone did pick it up, I posted a lost ad in the newspaper.  90 fricken dollars, but my notebook is worth it.  Its almost my life and I also posted a reward if it is still in one piece.  I still have my blue composite but... It still saddens me.  I have three stories in it.  Two finished, rough drafts but finished and my Deus Ex TF2 story.  Which isn't- WASN'T finish but nearly there. Well, I can still work on my other two short stories I had queued up as side stories of the Deus Ex TF2 story.  And I still have to work out my *ahem* Meme story I was inspired by awhile ago.  I'm still writing so the notebook wasn't an entire loss and I start my new job tomorrow!  :D Today was a rough day, maybe tomorrow will be a bit more smoother. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Have no Fear! Steam Cloud is here! And his sidekick YT!

So.  It wasn't all I feared.  I didn't loose everything per say like I thought.  I had enabled my 'Sync with Steam Cloud' option on.  So every save I had, that was compatible with Steam Cloud was saved.  :D  Like my 30 hour Deus Ex: HR game saves?  Still there.  Thank goodness. 

And I'm getting inspiration for my TF2 story, which ties with Deus Ex.  Thanks to ThePianoGuys on YT.  They re-done a song by Adele called Rolling in the Deep.  Fricken beautiful song.

I'm thinking of using this inspiration for a prelude to the Deus Ex story.  Makes me all giddy thinking about it.  Love getting inspired.  Welp, that's all for now.  Off to write.  :D

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Steam Died. Basically lost everything.

So.  Downloaded the Tf2 Beta from 2007 to try out the Source Filmmaker.  Neat little device, not going to lie.  But it killed Steam. 

Corrupted everything.  Lost all my screenshots that I hadn't uploaded to Steam Cloud.  All my saves.  Data of games so I have to re-download everything.  Everything.  I haven't felt this numb since my house burned down a few years ago. Haven't felt this angry since my little brother erased my 360 hard drive. 

It makes me wonder why I bother sometimes.  What's the point of trying to get things when some little fucking bug comes along and erases everything?  Everything I've accomplished, just disappears like dust in the wind.  Like it didn't even exist. 

But at least it didn't corrupt my entire hard drive.  If I'd have lost my writings...

Hell I don't know.  I'm upset, but I know I'd sure be depressed if I lost those. 

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Inspiration in the darkest of places...

Finally (somewhat) got over my writters block.  Inspired by a friend who pissed me off. 


How I took the anger is a bit stretched, but hey.  Its my new personal Favorite.  :D

Am currently writing up a small series called: Hats of personality.  The first is called Sniper: The Anger, inspired by Pickle-Ranger.  Have a bunch of ideas for other hats also.  Can't wait to get them all written down. 

Made a few doodles also.  Writers block kinda opened up my drawing section.  Its been while so they're a little rough.

Archemides in color.  I photocopied a black and white verson, then colored it with a crayon/coloring pencil.  It was a Crayola crayon pencil thing. 

A Dorf from the Currently in Pre-Alpha Lords of UberDark

And a quick sketch of Pyro.  Drew it with a pen so I couldn't correct any mistakes I had made. 

Also, someone gave me a very nice compliment on my Hidden story.  Makes me also want to finish it and post the finishings.  :D  Sadly, the animation prodject is on hold.  I have a need to draw and write at the moment. 

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Delayed until Further Notice

So.  Been trying to work on my Animation Project but its getting to be harder and harder just because I have it being the Sniper model.  I'm having a serious beef with TF2 at the moment.  Thinking about scrapping it and starting over.  Over over as in modeling my own character.  But that also sounds like a ton of work which I rather despise. 


I am working on my story though.  So my non-working time in the animation wasn't an entire waste.  Well, actually I did kinda work on the Animation.  I downloaded IPI the other day.  Its a motion capture software that can use web cameras to capture movement.  I've got my bro's Kinect linked up to my PC currently.  Got it running and such, but I haven't recorded any thing with it. 

Well, thinking about it as I type, maybe I'll just find myself a different model to use and save my Sniper anim. for later.  Idk.  I'm tired, and sad because both of my vehicular devices are broken and I'm stuck at home.  Maybe I just need a break from my PC for a bit. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Broke broke Broke.

Its harder then I thought.  This... Animating.  This will be my 3rd try with the Sniper model in trying to animate him leaping off of a box.  Of course, I have it more then him just leaping off.  He walks to the edge, looks, then leaps.  Everything just keeps messing up when he gets to the edge. 
The first time, his legs jumped into his chest along with his wrists.
This.  I had taken a pic because it didn't look like that when I saved it. 

The second time, his arm bent at an odd angle and wouldn't fix its self.  I tried to 'CTRL+A' but instead I hit 'CTRL+S' and screwed up my save. 

And this third time seems like it will work, but I thought that the second time was it.  All these bugs.  They infuriate me. 
So, I haven't quite worked on it because I don't want it to fudge up anymore then I want to but I know I'll eventually get back to it. 

And entirely, unrelated but still important, I might/might not be working on this as I put in my two weeks at my current job, but the other job I want closes in 3 days.  So I might not have a job.  Which means a drastic drop in money and a increase to my free time.  Or vise versa. 
Well, I'm tired and its getting to be close to my bed time.  Actually, its passed my bed time.  Good night.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

So... I actually made some progress. Really. I did this time.

So.  I finished rigging up both Pyro and Sniper.  Sniper I did much faster then Pyro.  And started to animate with the Sniper rigging over the Pyro, because the Pyro is effectively broken somehow.  The spine somehow un-linked themselves and his left hand fell apart.  I tried to link his tank with his spine along with the grenades on his chest which failed with flying colors.  So, I effectively given up on Pyro and started on Sniper.  Which, surprisingly was a much bigger success then Pyro. 
Here's my first picture at trying to animate with him:

Yea.  I know.  I didn't do much.  But hey, This is my first time at animating.  Your work can't be a Mona Lisa off the bat.  But it is broken so I'm going to restart the Animation process.  I saved the rigging as a Separate file so I don't have to go through the rigging process again.  Thank god. 

Oh, and I believe I got over my writers block also.  I've decided to continue working on a story I scrapped about a month ago.  It wasn't going anywhere at the time and when I re-wrote the beginning again today at work, It just came to me and it was almost 10 times better then before.  I feel good about this. 
So.  I made a lot of progress.  The title was no lie like last time. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

So... I actually made some progress. Kinda sort of.

I made some progress since the last time I posted.  Autodesk is up and running, plugins and everything.  I imported a Baseball bat, Pyro, Sniper, Medic and the Announcer.  So hopefully I have importing done.  Rigging not so much.  I tried rigging up Medic, Pyro and Sniper each failing miserably.  And its sad because the bones are already there.  I just need to line up the CAT bones with the Valve bones. 
I don't know what I'm doing wrong.  I get the first leg started up and then when I start working on the foot, the knee locks up like a female dog and I can't move it.  Which makes it harder to fix the foot.  Its driving me bonkers.

Still having a major writers block.  Just because I can't get that one part in the Dirty Deeds Prologue/Epilogue better.  Everything's driving me crazy recently.  Well, hopefully I can think of something soon. 

So, hopefully either a story or a video when I get one of these problems fixed.

Yay!  /sarcasm

Friday, July 22, 2011

Lights... Camera... Storyboard!

Well, I'm stuck trying to write my story.  Since I can't seem to continue on it, I'm going to try my hand at movie making.  I've written it all out(Another script type story I had finished while working on Dirty Deeds), and I made a storyboard through Garry's Mod. 

Garry's Mod, I don't know how people can make videos out of that.  That's insane.  I ran into so much trouble with it.  Then again, I'm trying to use it outside of its abilities without the proper plugins.  

Well, a majority of the storyboard is done.  I took all of the screenies.  I was being lazy when I made them so I don't have any facial expressions on them.  They're really poorly done, but I do like some images I took with the Administrator with Spy's Ambassador. 

Its only a small section of the story I'd like to use.  I don't want to spoil it or release little details because every time I type it out, it sounds wrong.  Just wrong.  I'll leave it at TF2 Video.  Yea, that sounds good. 

Anyway, I'd like to animate it in 3DS Max, finally got it.  Its the 2010 Version, but it should work.  Fingers-crossed.  Just need to see if all the other stuff I needed works. 

Thursday, July 14, 2011

True work, is never finished...

So, I made a Prologue/Epilogue for Dirty Deeds.  Explains how it all started and that I want to make it continue, but not call it Dirty Deeds anymore.  I haven't come up with any ideas on how I want it to continue so its currently on hold.  The continuation of the story is on hold, not the Prologue/Epilogue.  I have that all finished and looking nice.  The ending was the only thing on it that changed the most.
Originally, I had the President come in and murder everyone with 'psychic' powers but saw that as too... exotic for the story, but it was the only one I had come up with at the time. Eventually, I just had it to where he plans on stopping his son, and once again, try and re-unite the people of Teah.  No psychic powers, no unnecessary deaths.  Just the president doing what he did again, years ago. 
I still need to work on it though.  The prologue parts seem too small to be of any significant details other then a betrayal.  I tried to point out that the President was a nice guy before his wife was assassinated and I don't think I conveyed that point well enough.  The visual of how he was affected when she died I believe will be a different story.  I'll have to brain storm some more before.

Friday, July 1, 2011

More and more bickering...

Just finished typing up my Dirty Deeds story to Deviantart.  Had to re-type it because I was being stupid and deleted the original.  I'm just glad I printed it off before I did that.  Took me too long to write it and I know I'd never get it back to how it was if I didn't have a copy. 
Its called the Dirty Deeds pt 1 RnR Edition.  RnR = Revised and Rewritten.
I added a few stuff that I originally didn't have.  Like, at the end, instead of him just looking at the empty frame, he takes some of his 'medicine' that he mentions in pt 3 then he looks at the frame.  Still pondering if I should create a prologue.  Originally 3 was to be it, but it didn't quite work out how I wanted it to as it was already longer then I wanted it to be and at one point took a drastically different turn.  Which remind me, I need to print it off so I have a hard copy of that also. 

My picture I need to redo.  I the picture I posted here on the blog, I'm not liking the wife.  She looks too modern now and its driving me crazy.  So I've taken a slight break to find out how I want her to look at the moment. 

And another thing.  I only just realized that the set hats were not the problem.  It was that Valve, making TF2 Free to play on the PC meant that 100% for certain that they had abandoned the console counter part.  Played a little of the F2P profile, Which is No Hats, not Wuollet24.  Its so limited that you need to buy something in order for you to experience the entirety that is TF2. It was a pretty good chance that if you were a F2P player, you are going to buy something from the store.
So thinking about it now doesn't upset me as much anymore, even though it does at a level.  It was just something I had latched on to in order for me to say, That I want to boycott.  Because deep down, before the update, I knew that Valve was never going to update the consoles.  Its just that I had that little bit of hope that maybe I was wrong.  Well, now its dimmer then it was before. 
Because, even though it might be just my SPUF paranoia coming around but they had added some files to the xbox_reslist in the files of TF2.  Who knows.  Maybe (and this is a HUGE maybe) that with all the money they make in the Mann Co store, they might had some features to the Consoles. 
And if they just released the updates, I would happily pay for them.  I don't think Valve knew that.  The xbox players are willing to pay for the update.  You just need to offer it. 
Alright, I;m off to bed.  Is 12:37 I need to get up in the morning to get back to work.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Best way to boycott the Mann Co store

So.  Watched Meet the Medic earlier with my sister.  What thee Fuck.  I am left speechless right now.  Awesome.  That's the only way I can describe it, and it doesn't do it justice. 

AND OMFG It is soo much better when you don't have to watch it distorted through the PS3.  Just watched it.  Again.  I love the Medic.  I loved him from the beginning, but now I love him even more.  Best character in TF2 ever.
"That was the sound of Progress" 

Well, since I can't hink much more to say about Met the Medic(Argh I wish I could that Video was SO EPIC!), I think I have a way to get around the whole Boycotting TF2. 

It was a pretty stupid idea.  boycott TF2 when I've invested so much time into it already.  So, I thought to my self, 'Whats the best way to boycott TF2, without having to not play it?'  The answer?  Boycott the Mann co store, the very life blood of TF2 now, and go Free to Play.

Yep Free to Play.

I've already made an Free to Play account.  I've downloaded Team Fortress already.  Now I just need to link my F2P account, username Wuollet24, with TF2 and Send Friend requests to my GabbyBob and Lil' Chew Chew account. True that I will not get some items with it, but with my two main accounts that are both premium(bah) I can trade. 

Medic was my muse.  Thank you.  I would still be boycotting the game itself had I not watched it with my sis. 

Fucking love the medic. Love him to death. 

All is well.

Well, it turns out that I'm fine.  Yay.  It was just that I hadn't eaten anything that day.  Got myself a glucose meter.  Check my blood before I eat breakfast and a couple hours after dinner. 

Well, its coming up on a week since I've played TF2.  Its driving me nuts because I want to play, but I don't want to give in to that flawed system they have.  I mean seriously, its not right.  I know its only a minor problem, but that's no excuse.  Hats that give a game play bonus that isn't available for the new guys?  Come on. 

I've kinda thought of a solution but it will probably be shot down because of the, 'Omg thats no fair!  We paid for it!' bullshit.  Didn't even watch Kritzkast this past Sunday because I realized how jaded(not the hosts mind you) the people in the chat were. 

Here they are, telling me that if the free to play players wanted to get that bonus, then they should buy the hat, and get a premium account.  Yet when I said I was willing to pay for an update for the Xbox Valve had neglected to update, I was called a fool. 

Which reminds me.  I should play Console TF2, sometime.  I had a blast the last time considering that the people didn't know what they were doing. 

Friday, June 24, 2011


Well, I've think I figured out why I had reacted the way I did the other day. 

Since I was a kid, I had what some doctors called, 'pre-diabetes'.  Its where I was at risk of getting diabetes but it could still be prevented.  Since I had started working, I haven't been eating regularly because of my 4 to midnight hours and having to wake up at 8 am the next day to drive my little brother to school and working 8 to 4 on weekends.

I think it's gotten worse.

I remember what had happened so well, its not even funny.  I was in the greatest mood, waiting for Meet the Medic to release, then WHAM!  TF2 was announced Free to Play and I crashed.  Hard. I was so depressed before work, I layed in bed for 3 hours before realizing that time wasn't passing fast enough and played some Fear 3.  Which I then talked to a friend and found that my neice tried talking to me through the T.V. Right now, I'm tired, but in the greatest mood after drinking 2 bottles of Rootbeer, and now I'm ready to kill some mercs.  1st bottle I drank in 30 minutes.  2nd I drank over the course of 5 hours.   

Well, its friday, so I have to wait til monday to call in for an appointment.  Its either diabetes, or my hormones are out of wack again.  Both outcomes I'm not too much of a fan of.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Welcome to Tf2: The MMO

Great Valve.  Just fucking great.  And if you can't tell, that's called fucking sarcasm.  Free to Play Team Fortress 2?  Really?  What in gods name were you all thinking?  Why do you not listen to the few that HATE THAT IDEA!?  Oh, that's right because the Mann Co store is what's raking in the profits.

Well, Good bye what little hope I had that maybe they'd re-release TF2 on the console.  Why would they?  It's free on the PC version now.  God this pisses me off so much.  And I was actually excited for Meet the Medic and they ruined it.

God I am raging so much right now it hurts.  And I don't know why I am raging about it.  Is it because I had to pay for it and all I get is some lousy in-game item?  Is it because I feel betrayed about the Console versions?  Is it because they decided to listen to the money-grabbing little gremlins in their wallets rather then the people who actually play this game?

I'm not sure.  I thought I had myself figured out, but apparently I still have some learning to do.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

A kick in the Pants and a Boot to the leg

Well, Its rather been awhile.  Not much has happened but what has happened is a lot of rain.  Rain and coldness because the people here at work think that to fix mugginess, they need AC on.  So, I'm cold.
I hadn't mentioned this before, but Kritzkast has released a hat in TF2.  Probably the best thing that could ever happen to those guys.  Even has the KK logo on it.  Its called the Lo-fi Long Wave.
Also since the last post, my brain has been on somewhat of a writers block.  My imagination is still on over drive, but when I start writing it down, It just doesn't seem to work out and I scrap it.  Much like this blog post.  Well I guess this will be a rambling post on what ever crosses my mind at the time.

I turned on the stove for the first time in about 3-4 months.  Still a bit squeamish around fire, and to think I used to like striking matches and watching them burn.  Just thinking about a lit match gives me the shivers.
Oh man, I am so tired.  Stayed up late last night playing TF2.  Not really sure why, I was going to play TF2 Beta and try out the new update it got.  Ah yes, it was to see the birds, they got an update and I wanted to see what they do.
Which reminds me, TF2 has a copy cat.  Like a literal 'Dead Ringer' to it called: Final Combat.  Its a Chinese Rip-off.  They use the same weapon models, ripped the announcer's voice straight from the game and they have maps from EA's Battlefield Heros(not TF2, but its there).   It makes me laugh because Thunder(the company selling the game) is said that TF2 was a rip-off of Final Combat.  TF2 was released in 2007(2006?).  Final Combat isn't even released yet.  People are saying it gets released in July. 

Final Combat Homepage

Here are the silhouette comparisons:
 ABOVE: Final Combat                                     
BELOW: Team Fortress 2

And they didn't even try to hid the fact that they ripped the Soldiers Rocket Launcher:

 ABOVE: Rocket's Rocket Launcher                   
BELOW: Soldier's Rocket Launcher

Even thought it is a direct copy, I hope nothing happens to it until it get released.  It looks like something I'd want to try before it gets lost for all eternity.  Hopefully someone is quick with their fingers and can get a torrent of it.  (You did not read that.) 

Welp, there was one other thing I wanted to say, but the Chinese Bootleg squashed it out of my brain.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Home Brewed Inspiration

Well, I've been having a wonderful week.  Probably started before the week had started actually.  My brother started T-ball.  Its a little confusing because they've had 1 practice and 3games so far.  And another this upcoming Monday.  Weird.  Well, at least he's having fun.
Which reminds me, that last game I ate a mosquito they flew in swarms so large.  And I was walking from the bleachers to the concession stand, which was no farther then 100 ft.

Kritzkast ep 119, The Missing Musical.  That happened this last Sunday.  Probably the best episode thus far.  Second would be the Kritzmas Episode they had last year.  Both were epic.  I have all the songs on my IPhone and listen to them all the time.  At least until I get tired of them. 

Full Episode: Episode 119 The Missing Musical MP3

They even have the single tracks out.  Which is how I have it on my IPhone.

I haven't really worked on my picture yet.  Kinda sad, but I did finish my rough draft piece of crap script for the (personal opinion) Best game on the PC.  Too bad It'll never see the light of day again.  Well, it will because the notebook I use it in still has plenty of pages for another.  Which I already have brainstorming.  Jeez, I like it, but at the same time I dislike it when all my ideas barrel through my brain.
I have that script idea simmering in there, another one I was inspired by a dream (its kinda sad that I don't really remember what the dream was about) and several others inspired by KK and CritzGiggles awhile ago.  THAT ones been simmering for awhile.

The CritzGiggles inspiration is from one of their videos that a lone Huntsman Sniper from TF2 is guarding a CP from an oncoming Heavy and Medic Uber.  The player says, 'I will not lose' or something to that effect.  It made it awesome because he defended the point from the uber duo, for a successful defend until his teammates respawned.  It was very inspiring, but I haven't figured out how I want to use it yet. 

EDIT:  It was 'I refuse to Lose.'
Vid: CG: Refuse to Lose

I've had quite a few video inspirations but I haven't been able to figure out to make them come to life yet.  Its actually kinda bothersome because in order for me to do so, I need other players to use the Replay feature in TF2, or an entirely different software.  Like AutoDesk, but that costs almost $5000.  I'm willing to purchase Premier to edit my footage, but to make it with Autodesk is a bit much.

But still, even with those last few 'flaws' I'm still in a great mood.  Because ideas are flowing, instead of being stuck like a rock.  Home Brewed inspiration.  Hey, that's a good title.  See?  It's been a good week.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My pride is my greatest Flaw...

Playstation is back up.  Yay, I can play Portal 2 on my PC now.  Probably the only thing that went great this week.  I've slightly given up on my 'Wedding Portrait' drawing.  I haven't finished it because I've at the moment lost my motive.  I'll eventually get around to finish it.  It's just not at the moment. 
Here's the most updated copy:

Not Much, but its getting there. 

And I need to come up with an idea for a Christmas TF2 story to send to Kritzkast.  I promised them to send one in since I sent in the one I originally wanted to but December wasn't coming fast enough.  I prefer to be prepared then having to rush, mush like I did with my Halloween story.  Also I am trying to make a replay video-type-montage thing.  Its not really a montge, but I've had this idea for a long time brewing in my head and well, the TF2 Replay somewhat gives me the ability to flesh it out some.  Not exactly how I want it, but its better then not.  I emailed KK if they were willing to give me some assistance, but I haven't gotten a reply back.  I'm taking that as a no, but I'm still working on everything for it.  Timing, character/classes, editing software, etc. 
Oh, I forgot to mention that I've basically kicked myself off of the Kritzkast podkast.  The hosts didn't do anything.  But I let a troll get the best of me and well, I'm a little ashamed to join next Sunday.  :(  But I did receive my KK sweater today but because I had bought it, I had to stop myself from sending in another email for a very slight ARG with Kritzkast and Team Fortress 2.  I don't regret it, just the timing of when I did the purchase. And that was because I haven't received my tax return yet.  Stupid tax lady lied to me.  >:( 

But I did get 2 years retro pay, which probably means next year taxes aren't going to be as forgiving as the past 2 years. 

Argh, I'm so glass-is-half-empty the past week even though the weather is beautiful outside.  Well, maybe next time I'll be in a much better mood.  :) 

Thursday, May 5, 2011

My First 'Meet the'

Alright Valve, you did it.  You redeemed your self in my books plus some.  Sony is still a little slow but they're getting there.

Meet the Medic.  ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS!?!?!?!?!  I've been WAITING for this!  I was reading the comic on my Iphone and I basically tossed it because I flung my hands up so hard.

I still can't get over it as I type this now.  I stop every 5 words to shake my hands of excitement and to gush.  Oh I wish I had a camera and had been recording my reaction.  Oh which reminds me, I'm going to switch my Steam ID to FUCK YES MEET THE MEDIC!  Caps included.

This picture is now forever engraved into my brain.  It didn't even fully load on my phone.  All I saw was the Medic in the Monitor and I freaked.
(OMG so many spelling fails)

And on a lighter Note, Sniper's last name is Mundy.  :/

And the Saxxy Awards.  Awesome.  Get a hat for 1000 views on your video and a new taunt for getting an achievement.  I'm so not going to win, but hopefully, it will be around next year as they called it the annual. 

*gushing*  Best middle of the Night News.  Ever.  There is no emote big enough for how ecstatic I feel.  Now Valve, all I ask is you to not let me down on Meet the Medic.  You got this girl all excited.

Friday, April 29, 2011


I've been thinking, which I should not do, and come to realize that I'm slightly depressed and angry.  Well, I guess we can all thank Sony for that and the whole PSN Security Breach.  Jeez that really pisses me off.   And it was on the day Portal 2 was released.  Its been a week and a half and it just...
*deep breath*
And now, Valve has announced a release for Portal 2.  Way to shit in my face, Valve.  Give the players who bought the game for PS3 not able to get it for who knows how long.  Way to alienate a third of your player base. 
I've played Portal 2 and finished it.  Great and awesome game.  Just kinda wish Valve had waited for the PSN to get back up and running before the announcement.  I haven't played my PC or my PS3 since I finished P2.  I believe that anything that's tied to the PS3, is bad.  So that leaves only my Xbox and I've been playing that constantly.  More then usual.  I even want to play Halo and I'm not a big fan of the franchise anymore.  But I've been keeping busy with the Gears 3 Multiplayer Beta.  I'm getting better at killing people with the gnasher.  Sawed-off fricken sucks balls, but I guess I need to practice with it.  Like I did with the gnasher.  And the hammerburst, and the Retro-Lancer.  Jeez, I really want the Golden Retro Lancer.  I currently have 54 games played out of 90 needed.  Then I need to get 100 kills to get it for the Retail Game when it comes out this fall.  And Baird.  Need to play 20 Capture The Leader games to unlock him.  Currently have 4.  :p
The Leader for the Locust is the Queen, but I'm not sure who the leader for the 'COGS' are.  They're not the Coalistion of Ordered Governements anymore because it kinda dis abandoned shortly after Gears 2.  It will all be explained in the 'Fall of COG' novel coming out in... Ooh, can't remember the date but its coming up real quick. 
So, in a better mood then I was 10 minutes ago, Fuck you Valve and Sony, I'm taking my business to Microsoft. 

Friday, April 22, 2011

Trying a new method to my madness

I'm always trying to keep myself open to various things in regards to Art.  Drawing, making videos, taking pictures.  I've recently come up with a way I can draw without having to ruin my piece while making it.  I'm somewhat of a perfectionist when it comes to my hand drawings, even though I know there is no such thing as perfect. 

I am using tracing paper to draw layers.  And when I'm finished, I can scan them into a computer. I know, someone has probably(maybe the entire world) has been doing this for a long time, but I just came up with it.  And so far, so good. 
I'm currently working on a Fan Art called 'Wedding Portrait'.  Its basically a picture of a married couple.  Its currently a WIP. 

Its not pretty, I know.  But its looking real good on my end. 

Sunday, April 17, 2011

I hate PC duchebags and trolls

Title is pretty much self explanatory.
From the last post, I guess its obvious I like to play the multiplayer game, Team Fortress 2.  I've been playing it on the Xbox 360 shortly after its release.  Of course, I bought it for Portal but I had finished that rather quickly.  Oops, starting to ramble. 
I play the 360 game off and on while playing the PC version as well.  I swung by the forums in Steam Powered where they have a separate area for 360 games.  Left 4 Dead, Left 4 Dead 2, Portal: Still Alive and The Orange Box; which contains TF2. 
Anyway, Someone created a Thread in the Orange Box forums called, "TF2 Console updates are...".  I scrolled over it with my mouse to see what it's first few lines were.  "NEVER COMING" it said.  I opened it to find those two words in bold, italicized, in caps, underlined and enlarged.  Along with a quote by someone who had visited Valve software.
Lets just say, I was less than please.  He took a quote, that didn't or did say they were going to update it, and made a thread to piss off people like me.  That fucking PC duchebag had the balls to post that in the console forums, while his last post before that was him complaining that his 'Teddy Roosebelt' was glitching. 
The thread had just started on it's second page and all the posts said basically the same thing.
"Guys, if we want it updated, we need to tell them and not just sit here on our asses," I replied.  Of course, that didn't come right away.  I was too pissed at the time, but I eventually edited my post to say that.  It upsets me that Valve let the Consoles get this bad.  But its all their fault in my eyes.  They complain its horrid, but that's because they've been neglecting it.  If they had stopped updating their PC version, and watched it deteriorate, they would see what I'm talking about.  Everything is a two way street.  You can't expect a great game to remain great for four years with only four updates. 

It saddens me to no end. 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Do you wish to hear my rambling?

This is not my first Blog, but my second (maybe third?).  Hopefully, I'll stick to this one.

So, to start off, I'm plan on going to AI International this fall.  Media Arts and Animation.  *fingerscrossed*  Just need to get the money to turn in my application.  If I get in, I'll be posting my work here, on DeviantArt, or Youtube.  Depending on what I am doing.  I really want to go to School, just because I really hate the job I have.  Working 4 to midnights on Weekdays and 8am to 4pm on weekends makes me miss a lot of time with my Family.  It's a good job if you are going to school (sitting and not doing anything for 8 hours straight) but since I'm not, it upsets me. 

Speaking of Youtube, watching HLN on the Living room TV.  Youtube is getting a make over.  They're going to focus more on Channels rather than Videos.  Not quite sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.  It would be good for those that make awesome Videos like freddiew and CorridorDigital.  That is only a few I know of though.  Well, I guess I'll have to wait before I make judgment calls on something that I don't know anything about.

Team Fortress 2's Meet the Medic trailer should be coming out soon.  I'm rather excited about it but also somewhat nervous.  I really hope they don't 'tarnish' the image that I see him as.  Basically, he's a Dr. Jekyll, Mr. Hyde to me.  He can be a gentlemann, but he also has that sadistic side to him.  But because it's TF2, he also has a bit of a 'Looney Tunes' feel.  Like when that one doctor(Dr. Jekyll) drinks that potion and turns into that monster thing(Mr. Hyde) and harasses Sylvester and Tweety.  Maybe not that 'Looney Tune'-ey, but hopefully I explained it well.  I'm not that great with words.